Roller frames, rollers and pulleys

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Roller frames, rollers and pulleys

Kuljetinrullat ovat yksi halvimmista kuljettimen komponenteista, mutta voivat saada melkoisesti tuhoa ja työtä aikaan, mikäli niiden valinta ei ole suoritettu oikein. Laskemme tarvittaessa kuljettimen teknisten tietojen avulla sopivat rullat ja valitsemme käyttökohteeseen järkevimmän vaihtoehdon.

Perusteräsrullien lisäksi valikoimasta löytyy raskaan sarjan HDPE pintaiset teräsrullat, joissa on monihuulitiivistys ja hyvin paksu HDPE pinta. Käytännössä rulla, jonka kestoikä on hyvin pitkä ja jonka kulumisen huomaan paljon ennen kuin saavutetaan edes teräs vaippaa. Siis silkkaa käyttökustannusten säästöä ja turvallisuutta jo kevyemmän painonsa ansiosta.

Kuljetinrummuissa teemme yhteistyötä HSD Schäfer GmbH:n kanssa ja valikoimasta löytyy varmasti riittävän kestävät rummut kohteeseen kuin kohteeseen. Pinnoituksissa tarpeen mukaan myös erilaiset liimatut, vulkanoidut tai pultattavat keraamipinnoitteet.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Teppo Lehtinen (050 438 1191, and we’ll tailor a solution your need. 

Feeding area components

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Feeding area components

Materiaalin syöttökohta on usein alue, josta aiheutuu suurin osa hihnakuljettimen ongelmia. Kulumista, ripettämistä, hihnan sivuunvetoa ja ennakoimattomia tuotannon katkoksia. Sysin kehittämä vankka iskupöytä antaa hihnalle hyvän tuen iskukohdassa ja pitkäikäinen säädettävä laitatiivistys vähentää ripettämistä merkittävästi.

Erittäin hienolle materiaalille soveltuu parhaiten kaksiosainen Starseal-tiiviste ja karkeammalle materiaalille Spill-EX tai Sysin oman tuotekehityksen tuloksena syntynyt raskaan sarjan poluyretaani-elementeillä varustettu Hylje-sarjan tiivisteet.

Suunnittelemme ja konsultoimme mielellämme syöttökohtien parantamisessa niin oikean geometrian kuin kulutussuojauksenkin osalta.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Teppo Lehtinen (050 438 1191, and we’ll tailor a solution your need. 

Belt Cleaners

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Belt Cleaners

Effective belt cleaning is of outmost importance. Besides an effective cleaning, you also need long service life. STARCLEAN-belt cleaners combine these two, but you also get very fast and easy maintenance possibilities. In the STARCLEAN-belt cleaners you can benefit from the special know-how of Schulte Strathaus and take advantage of the same results as many of the big mines and industrial applications around the world. 

The standard components make up a modular series enabling the creation of a huge number of different versions with minor modifications, while keeping the spare part stock on a minimal level. The flexible feet and easy to use tensioning mechanisms will keep your belt clean for a long time.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Teppo Lehtinen (050 438 1191, and we’ll tailor a solution your need. 

Belt Tracking

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Belt Tracking

Belt mistracking can cause unwanted interruptions in production, damage the belt and cause spillage. With the very effective CenTrax belt trackers and rollers, we will solve also other problems, not just the belt mistracking.

First you need to get rid of dirt and other reasonably easily manageable issues. Then you add the necessary, but only the necessary amount of trackers and rollers.

Trackers, rollers and their spare parts are found in our stock.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Teppo Lehtinen (050 438 1191, and we’ll tailor a solution your need. 

Wear protection

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Wear protection

Best wear protection is a good engineering that prevents the material from touching the structures. For existing transfer points and transfer points where the contact is the wished solution, we engineer a suitable, long lasting and easily maintainable wear protection solution. A wide range of wear material solution in different shapes and sizes is available for this in combination with rock boxes, and other geometrical aids.

At the end, the target is always longer lifetime, higher efficiency, elimination of clogging, increased safety and decreased maintenance times.

Each location is unique and has to be treated so, but still productivity and long maintenance intervals are the target. The wide range of wear plate fixing possibilities and materials are therefore a must in this fight.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Teppo Lehtinen (050 438 1191,, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need. 

Water fog

Water fog

Dust suppression with very fine water droplets works by increasing the weight of the dust particle thus causing it to fall down faster. The droplets and dust particles of about the same size collide and start falling. Too large droplets end up in the same situation as snow flakes in front of the windshield of a car, they pass the car without colliding.

A small amount of water, with the right size droplets and sprayed accurately to the correct location, will have practically no effect on the moisture of the material. When connected to the conveyor controls and material flow measurement, problems with mud and freezing can be minimized.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Petteri Viinanen (040 585 5485, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need. 

Decontamination containers

Decontamination containers

The harmful substances present in the production can cause contamination of other employees who are not using protective gear, but also the ones at home.

In a decontamination container, the employees can clean themselves and their gear well protected from the weather. Washing the boots, vacuum cleaning the clothes, washing the hands and gear is much more probable and efficient when you provide a comfortable space for it.

Exit through an air shower to the clean side is a good way to ensure that the personnel can go home safe and sound.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Petteri Viinanen (040 585 5485, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need. 



The reliability of a conveyor is based on the correct dimensioning, engineering and also to the consideration of possible overloading situations.

When facing operational challenges, it makes sense to go through the whole design again. Often this process pinpoints the reasons, earlier capacity changes, modernizations or other modifications.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Petteri Viinanen (040 585 5485, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need. 

Transfer point optimization

Transfer point optimization

Transfer points are the most common sources of problems. Unsymmetric material feeding can cause off tracking, often also unnecessary wear and tear. These result finally in unnecessary spillage.

The material discharge parabel can be defined pretty accurately, but the best way is to sit down and see how the real life is. In this way you get the best picture of the material flow, the more seldom lumps, the spillage, stickiness, and abrasiveness. Interview of the production and maintenance personnel will give you then some more explanations to the findings.

Small adjustments in the conveyor speed or in the discharge pulley location may help a lot already. Modification of the chute geometry is sometimes also possible and would allow to increase the maintenance friendliness of the transfer point also.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Petteri Viinanen (040 585 5485, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need. 

Safety audits

Safety audits

EN 620:2002+A1:2010 defines the requirements for fixed belt conveyor safety. This standard is used as the basis for the conveyor audits, the possible non-compliances are photographed and reported with instruction on how to get them to comply with the requirements.

Each fence and shield slows down the access to the maintenance area, but a sick leave slows it even more. There are a good number of practical ways to make the protection so that you can remove the shields in a fast and easy way and to get them back also.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Petteri Viinanen (040 585 5485, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need.