Condition audits

Condition audits

Kuntokartoituksessa käydään kuljettimen rakenne läpi halutussa laajuudessa. Täydellisimmillään aloitetaan kuljettimen teknisistä tiedoista ja verrataan koneistojen, hihnan, rumpujen ja rullien sekä rungon mitoitusta todellisuuden kanssa.

Silmämääräisen tarkastuksen lisäksi on tärkeää keskustella käyttö- ja kunnossapitohenkilöstön kanssa laitteen toiminnasta, jotta myös harvemmin esiintyvistä ongelmatilanteista saadaan käsitys.

Kartoituksen tarkoituksena on tuoda ehdotuksia kuinka hihnakuljettimen huoltovälejä voidaan kasvattaa, huoltoa nopeuttaa ja toiminnan luotettavuutta nostaa. Siis käytännössä tehostaa tuotantoa.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Petteri Viinanen (040 585 5485, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need. 

Return roller safety catch

Return roller safety catch

According to EN 620:2002+A1:2010 return rollers above working and traffic areas must be secured from falling. As with the belt fall protection, mesh and plate structures are good in creating more problems.

A light weight, simple solution that is very fast to install, you prevent the fall risks without creating good possibilities for the material to build up.

This product is an example of a solution tailored to one of our customers. When necessary, we do design the components to suit the customer’s need.

The product is an example of a product we have customized for the customer. If necessary, we design the components to meet the customer’s needs.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Petteri Viinanen (040 585 5485, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need. 

Belt Fall Protection

Belt Fall Protection

According to EN 620:2002+A1:2010, a conveyor belt running over a working or trafficking area, must be secured from falling on the people below.

Mesh and plate solutions are good in gathering spillage and causing more risks. With a simple, light weight solution that you can install in very little time, you can provide the required safety, without causing the risks due to material build up.

This product is an example of a solution tailored to one of our customers. When necessary, we do design the components to suit the customer’s need.

The product is an example of a product we have customized for the customer. If necessary, we design the components to meet the customer’s needs.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Petteri Viinanen (040 585 5485, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need. 

Conveyor frames

Conveyor frames

Dimensioning of the conveyor frames is naturally based on the support distances available and the loadings. A stiff enough structure that will keep it’s shape, ensures that the belt tracking is good and unexpected interruptions are minimized.

Lifting points and connection plates are small cheap things that make the installation faster and more accurate.

This product is an example of a solution tailored to one of our customers. When necessary, we do design the components to suit the customer’s need.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Petteri Viinanen (040 585 5485, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need. 

Conveyor covers

Conveyor covers

The conveyor covers are there to ensure that there is as little spillage as possible and that the dust stays inside the transfer point and can be directed to the dedusting system. The larger the cover cross section, the slower the air flow inside it and the shorter the distance the dust needs to fall back to the material flow.

With a well adjustable impact bed, a good support is provided for the belt at the transfer point. With retractable roller frames, you can bring the wear plates very close to the belt and get more life time for the skirtboard.

Using quick locks on the conveyor covers and especially easy operating locking system for the safety mesh, the maintenance work can be done as fast as possible.

This product is an example of a solution tailored to one of our customers. When necessary, we do design the components to suit the customer’s need.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Petteri Viinanen (040 585 5485, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need. 

Tail ends

Tail ends

Tail ends is the area that offers the most standardization possibilities. With standardization we understand functionality that you find on each delivery and functionality that is there to ensure the high production rates, to allow easy and fast maintenance while keeping the employees safe.

The design naturally is done under consideration of EN 620:2002+A1:2010 and for speeding up the maintenance works, all shields are done with a fast and easy with the AISI316 locking elements.

This product is an example of a solution tailored to one of our customers. When necessary, we do design the components to suit the customer’s need.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Petteri Viinanen (040 585 5485, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need. 

Discharge end hoods

Discharge end hoods

The discharge end hood has an important job in safeguarding the personnel from the nip point on the pulley. At the same time, it can be used to limit the dusting problem, but as always, you need to consider the maintenance friendliness.

The bigger the hatch, the better for maintenance and the better visibility in to the chute. Fast installation, possibility to replace the discharge pulley, sealing the pulley shafts are among others, issues that will ensure fast and easy maintenance.

This product is an example of a solution tailored to one of our customers. When necessary, we do design the components to suit the customer’s need.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Petteri Viinanen (040 585 5485, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need. 

Discharge stations

Discharge stations

Just like the transfer points, discharge stations are unique individuals. Or at least they should be. The next conveyor location, the chute height and material properties define the limitations on the geometry. Correct design allows sealing the transfer point well, starting from the incoming material side, thus the volume of the air carrying the dust, can be reduced significantly.

So, we start with the geometry and then work ourselves to sealing the belt cleaners, pulley shafts, space between the chute and return belt, belts and carry belt and hood. At the same time keeping in mind, that the inspection and maintenance hatches and openings must be as big as possible.

You can calculate or simulate the discharge parable of the material to get to a pretty good result, but still the possibility to adjust the drive pulley location is cheap way to ensure that changes in material properties do not need to result in the transfer point becoming a source of problems.

This product is an example of a solution tailored to one of our customers. When necessary, we do design the components to suit the customer’s need.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Petteri Viinanen (040 585 5485, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need. 



Transfer points are the most common cause of problems and unexpected production interruptions. Each transfer point is a unique individual, but you still need to be able to inspect and replace the wear plates and belt cleaner segments, to get the material residue removed by the belt cleaners to drop inside the chute, seal the belt cleaner saddle pipes and to install the whole chute.

With the right geometry you can get the material directly or through a rock box  to the next belt and to the middle of it. Each installation and each modernisation gives some new ideas for further development. The result is a chute that isn’t any more the main source of problems.

The product is an example of a product we have customized for the customer. If necessary, we design the components to meet the customer’s needs.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the product manager Petteri Viinanen (040 585 5485, and we’ll tailor a solution to your need.